Sunday, February 11, 2007

Well, it's official. It's back to the restaurant scene for me. Remember that barista job I mentioned sometime last month? (I wouldn't mind if you didn't; I wasn't so sure about it.) I just landed it. I start on Thursday afternoon. It'll be stressful, of course &mdash first days on the job always are. And knowing my luck the place will be packed on Thursday afternoon (Thursday is the last day of the work week here), so it will be a marathon three hours.

But thank goodness for the time I worked behind the bar at Zola; as a result I feel like I've done it all before. I spent a couple hours this afternoon getting a crash course from my friend whose job I'll be taking, and it's just the same deal as Zola &mdash make cappuccinos, prep salads and drinks, answer the phone (that's the one part I'm petrified about), help the waitresses here and there. It should be good for me. Real good. I'll have lots of opportunity to speak Hebrew with people (which I really, really need), and just as important, I'll finally have a little pocket money to play with. Ben doesn't know it yet, but he's going to hate that I work there. Since all the food is loaded with garlic (my fave, btw), when I grab some lunch during my shift I just know I'll start reeking. Guess it's time to start wearing purfume and brushing my teeth twice a day.