Monday, December 11, 2006

Guess who Ben is meeting tomorrow: Stephen Hawking! What a rock star. SH is in town to meet with the string theorists in the Jeru/TA area; I'm making ben promise to invite me to any social gatherings that go down. Cross your fingers that I get to meet him! haha...

In other news, I've been completely swamped by Hebrew class. I'm already behind on my vocabulary (twenty new words a day is a lot!), and my verb conjugation leaves something to be desired. Yesterday, we finished up the alphabet; today, we already are expected to read words without written vowels. (In Hebrew, vowels are not normally printed [well, they only are in children's books], so you usually have to guess what the word is based on phonetics and context, just like you do when you receive a text message).

At least now I'm grammatically correct when I say, I don't speak Hebrew.